Tuesday, July 10, 2007

So it's 11:13 on a Tuesday night. Do you know where your children are?
What else would I be doing with my time besides sitting at a computer in the basement of my hotel feverishly typing, trying to put together the right words to describe what i'm feeling, which is essentially panic-stricken excitement mixed with a mild to severe urge to wet my pants slash vomit. More or less.
today was the second and final day of staging in Washington, D.C., which means I ship out for Tegucigalpa, Honduras, in approximately 3.5 hours. tndeed, if you should need to contact me at 2:30 am, I can be found schlepping my bags across Reagan Intl Airport.
final meals have included a chipotle salad, an entirely way too large serving of thai food that included fried tofu (while it's a luxury i'm fairly confident will not be at my immediate disposal in teguc, my estomago is still not too pleased with that decision), some starbs (obvi) and of course, what would a trip to College Park be without a little natty lite?!
final television show in english was, I'm extremely proud to say, America's Got Talent, and as if the german music videos weren't evidence enough of his pure, raw artistic genuis, David Hasselhoff's performance is truly nothing short of brilliant, esp when he wears button down leather shirts because who wouldn't be impressed by that.
I sort of felt like an inmate calling from deathrow as I made my final calls after dinner to say bon voyage once and for all to friends and family. I can't tell you how strange it is to say "Welp, gotta run, don't know when I'll talk to you again" to your best friends and family. still haven't really come to terms with the idea that in less than 24 hours I'll be in teguc, prob sweating like a man child because i'm a freak, speaking only spanish and living in someone else's home.
So far everyone I've met who's involved with Peace Corps, whether they're volunteers in my training group or staff members, have been absolutely wonderful, and I'm legit not just blowing smoke here. I suppose there's something about the principles of Peace Corps that attract all the right people. Like me, for example.
Apologies in advance for the mindless psychobabble that is occuring. I literally cannot focus on one thing without thinking of 1209340384 other things and then having a mini nervous breakdown. Hopefully i'll calm down and successful center my chi with the help of my totally sweet neon blue yoga mat strapped securely to the 10-year-old north face that got me through high school when it was cool to having a hiking backpack at school. Yep, i'm that kid. and if you're reading this then you're prob a blood relative--because no one else cares to read about my neurotic existence, which means you're lucky to be biologically linked to this tool box.
Must press on to the cama and re-attempt a quick 2 hour power nap. But do not fret, more TK...


Ali Billings said...

I LOVE the fact that you gave a shot out to the "bloods"...I really was sad reading this until that very moment! I hope everything is going well and that you are having as much fun as possible although I can guarantee that you have Pat on your mind 24/7 (I know I do - muah!). Anywho - I will be stalking you via your blog so we will be able to "keep in touch". Much Love!
Ali :)

PS - Don't worry I will check on Patti a couple times to make sure that she is not slipping into a deep state of depression without you.

Grainne said...

Another one, thanks for the shout to "bloods" - I think you certainly called it - I don't see anyone else blogging on here, but we love you Bia!!

I love you so much, thinking of you always!

BTW, of course just downloaded the Elliott Yamin cd (you knew I would) and I'm obsessed - similar to my reaction to Mr. Broussard - I guess I just want to be exactly like you :) Miss you already, like crazy :)